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Perseids meteor shower 2021 set to peak above UK this week

A meteor during the Perseid meteor shower seen over Happisburgh lighthouse, Norfolk. Sky gazers are set to be treated to a light display next week as Earth passes through debris left behind by a comet. Issue date: Friday August 6, 2021. PA Photo. It is predicted the peak of the Perseid meteor shower will be on the night of August 12 into the early hours of August 13 when the sky is at its darkest. See PA story SCIENCE Perseids. Photo credit should read: Joe Giddens/PA Wire
A meteor during the Perseids meteor shower seen over Happisburgh lighthouse in Norfolk. (Credits: PA)

Skygazers are set to be treated to a cosmic light display this week as Earth passes through debris left behind by a comet.

It is predicted the peak of the Perseids meteor shower will be on the night of August 12 and stretch into the early hours of August 13 when the sky is at its darkest.

The meteors will be best viewed from the northern hemisphere, which gives the UK a prime position for spotting shooting stars.

In ideal conditions with no clouds observers could see up to 50 an hour, according to the Royal Astronomical Society.

The meteor shower is often dubbed the best of the year because of how bright and active it is.

During a shower, Earth passes through a cloud of debris left behind by comets, and so many more meteors are seen entering the atmosphere.

Where does the Perseids meteor shower come from?

Meteor showers are created when the Earth passes through the debris left by comets travelling through space (Getty Images)
Meteor showers are created when the Earth passes through the debris left by comets travelling through space (Getty Images)

The Perseids are associated with Comet 109/P Swift-Tuttle, which last passed near Earth in 1992.

When comets travel close to the sun, they heat up and disintegrate. If this happens in Earth’s path around the sun, they can head towards our atmosphere at high speeds.

The superheated air around the meteors glows and leaves behind trails of light and explosions in the form of fireballs.

How can I see the Perseids meteor shower this week?

A man watches a meteor during the Geminid meteor shower over Brimham Rocks, a collection of balancing rock formations in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in North Yorkshire. PA Photo. Picture date: Tuesday December 15, 2020. The Geminid meteor shower is active between 4th and 17th of December and is regarded as one of the most reliable of the year with as many as 70 meteors an hour. Brimham Rocks rocks began forming roughly 320 million years ago, when water, grit, and sand washed down from Scotland and Norway. However, standing nearly 30 feet tall the bizarre formations that can be seen today were created as the millstone grit was eroded during the last glacial period. See PA story SCIENCE Geminid. Photo credit should read: Danny Lawson/PA Wire
A man watches a meteor during the Geminids meteor shower over Brimham Rocks in North Yorkshire. (Credits: PA)

The best way to catch a glimpse of the radiant show is away from the lights of towns, cities, buildings, and trees, and where there is a clear view of the horizon.

This year on the peak, the moon will be in a thin crescent phase, creating perfect viewing conditions without interference from moonlight .

Dr Robert Massey, deputy executive director of the Royal Astronomical Society, said: ‘The light of the moon won’t interfere with the shower, so you stand a much better chance of seeing more meteors.

‘If there is a full moon in the sky, then you might as well be in the city because it will light up the whole sky, but this year the moon really will help us see more Perseid meteors.’

Observers have been advised to plan and check the forecast before in case the weather is unpleasant, so they can travel to a new location or go out on a different day.

The sparkling treat is set to continue over the northern hemisphere for a few days after the peak with reduced activity and occurs in July and August every year.

And if the weather doesn’t co-operate and visibility is poor, you can always watch a live stream of the shower via NASA Meteor watch Facebook.

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