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‘Unheard masses like us who pay into the system need help too, chancellor’

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What has got readers talking today? (Picture: Getty)

The Budget is still generating plenty of conversation among Metro readers, whether it’s a lift in the pension cap or free childcare.

The Coronation is now less than two months away but debate still continues over whether we should still have a king, and what it means to have poor mental health.

Read on to hear more views, and share yours in the comments.

■ Regarding the reaction to Jeremy Hunt’s Budget (MetroTalk, Fri), there’s at least one group that has always been conspicuously absent from reports about how it will affect the population.

I’m almost 40, single, have no kids, work full-time, can’t claim any kind of benefit, and am forced to still live at home because I can’t afford to even rent a home, let alone buy a place of my own.

The Budget has never offered any reasonable incentive for my demographic, yet we’re the unheard masses who pay into the system. I’m sure there are loads like me who don’t want a handout but it would be nice to have some meaningful help. Rob The Mod, Wimbledon

What are your thoughts on last week's Budget?
What are your thoughts on last week’s Budget? (Picture: Daniel Leal/ Getty)

■ I’m a long-serving and hard-working teacher approaching 53. Reflecting on the Budget and Jeremy Hunt’s kind offer of increasing the pension pot from £1million to £1.8million (before paying tax) in an attempt to get the over-fifties back to work, who has £1million in their pension?

I’m likely to retire with a £33,000-a-year teacher’s pension at 67, if I’m lucky. I’d have to draw this pension for over 30 years to reach £1million.

Hunt should be paying the teachers more to attract young blood into education, not enticing millionaire fiftysomething consultants out of retirement. What a complete joke. Mark, Fair Oak

■ Speaking about this week’s Budget regarding parents getting help with childcare costs (Metro, Thu), Mary Baldwin says she will miss out because she earns more than the £100,000 threshold put in place.

If Ms Baldwin thinks she is missing out on anything with earnings in excess of £100,000, she is on a different planet from the rest of us who are trying to survive on incomes below the tax threshold. Angie, Redhill

Planned free childcare from nine months will only apply to certain households
Planned free childcare from nine months will only apply to certain households (Picture: Alamy)

■ Hunt announced 30 hours of free childcare for every child over nine months. We will now have millions more new free childcare places, but where are the nursery nurses coming from? The government needs to find hundreds of thousands of new workers, new buildings and new business leaders. It won’t work. Neil Dance, Birmingham

■ I wonder why millionaires and billionaires can’t have a higher tax rate each? Will a tax hike really hurt them? Will they suddenly get poor? Even some ultra-wealthy individuals are bemoaning why they keep getting a reduction in their taxes (Metro, March 6).

Kudos to those empathetic millionaires and billionaires. Let’s hope that one day the government of the day will take them at their word. Modupeh, Milton Keynes

President or king?

Would Britain be better off with an executive president as head of state, or a king?
Would Britain be better off with an executive president as head of state, or a king? (Picture: AP/Sue Ogrocki)

■ I thoroughly agree with James Allenby (MetroTalk, Fri) that no one wants a President Sunak or Starmer.

Executive presidents – such as Macron or, God forbid, Trump – are the exception rather than the rule. Most European presidents are purely ceremonial.

Take President Michael D Higgins of the Irish Republic, who costs his country a few million euros a year for everything including his staff. The Royal Family reportedly costs us more than £100million a year. It’s time we moved properly into the 21st century. Terry Pearson, Portsmouth

Irish President Michael D Higgins
Irish president Michael D Higgins (Picture: Andrew Surma/NurPhoto/Getty)

■ Perhaps we should go down Ireland’s route when it comes to heads of state. Ireland’s elected presidents serve for seven years for a maximum of two terms. Michael D Higgins is a poet. I would rather have a poet in charge of my country than someone who rules through birthright. Richard, Croydon

■ Dominic Shelmerdine (MetroTalk, Thu) is a republican protester who wants a referendum on the future of the monarchy. Be careful what you wish for, Dominic.

If he looks around the world, he will see that we enjoy great advantages in having a king, around whom everyone can unite as head of state, rather than a politician. God save the King! Adrian F Sunman, Newark

■ In answer to James Roper (MetroTalk, Fri), unfortunately everyone is not equal.

Some are stronger, more intelligent, more skilled, and some are born leaders. Gary, London

■ If Britain did elect its head of state, it would probably be a woman of high calibre – a doctor, scientist or lawyer.

I would suggest an elected head of state serve a single seven-year term. Plus the House of Lords could be reduced to 200 elected members and the House of Commons to 400.

It would make Britain more democratic and modern. Bill, London

Readers are divided about what constitutes poor mental health
Readers are divided about what constitutes poor mental health (Picture: Getty)

Does mental health labelling trivialise those truly suffering?

■ l agree with Vicki (MetroTalk, Thu) – every negative emotion or upset that is part of life is now a ‘mental health’ matter. Give me strength. Rather than helping to recognise true mental health, it trivialises it because everyone is apparently suffering from it when anything negative happens to them. Janet, by text

■ I found Vicki’s post about mental health really refreshing. I have suffered from depression for 28 years. I have spent years alone.

I think the meaning behind the words ‘mental health’ has been made into a new on-trend catchphrase and that it doesn’t show any respect to those who truly suffer. Nikki, London

Have your say about any of the topics in today’s letters page belowComment Now

■ Some might say that people are overusing the words ‘mental health’. So what if they are? As long as people can talk about things, good – the language doesn’t matter. Claire, Essex

■ I accept that some people had a terrible time during Covid, but I spent nine weeks on furlough – and the weather was great. They were the best weeks of my life. That said, I wouldn’t want another pandemic. Gary, London

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MORE : Jeremy Hunt unveils £5,000,000,000 childcare pledge in Budget

MORE : How will the spring Budget affect you? Our expert explains all you need to know

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