A pub landlady has barred Vladimir Putin from stepping foot inside her boozer in protest over his invasion of Ukraine.
Sam Rice has warned the Russian President he is not welcome at the Loaf and Cheese in Burton, Staffordshire.
And in the unlikely event the Kremlin leader should ever visit Britain and fancy a swift half at the pub, he could face being ‘wrecked’ by Sam’s punters.
The landlady told Staffordshire Live: ‘What he is doing is just wrong.
‘It is all my customers are talking about at the moment.
‘They said if he came in they would wreck him.
‘It is absolutely wrong what he is doing.’
Sam unveiled her sanctions as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky channelled Winston Churchill in a historic address from Kyiv to the House of Commons today and vowed to continue fighting.
Earlier, US President Joe Biden banned oil imports from Russia in a bid to ‘inflict further pain’ on his counterpart in Moscow.
Addressing the nation from the White House on Tuesday, Mr Biden said: ‘This means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable to US ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to this war machine’.
Cutting off oil imports is one of the toughest sanctions introduced by Mr Biden – who conceded: ‘It’s going to cost us all in the United States.’

British energy giant Shell announced it will stop buying gas and oil from Russia and close all its service stations in the country.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned how we can’t shut off Russian gas and oil supplies overnight – as prices at the petrol pumps skyrocket.
But following Mr Biden’s speech, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the UK hopes to phase out Russian oil imports by the end of the year.
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